Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Bittersweet Day

On Thursday, February 16th 2012 Conner James was released from Wolfson's Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, FL to travel across the state line to his home in GA. It was a bitter sweet day as we were bringing home Conner but Chase isn't quite ready to make the trip home yet. 

*Date on the pictures is wrong my camera is crazy*

  Daddy is so excited :)

 Conner and his favorite nurse- Ms. Fern

V day 2012- First Family Picture

Happy Valentines Day 2012!!

 Conner and Chase

Conner James
February 14th 2012
7 pounds 2 oz

Chase Michael
February 14th 2012
5 pounds 11 oz

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Surprise V-Day Present

I just got off the phone with the nicu, and Conner James will be coming home this Thursday February 16th. I have tons of pictures to posts but I now find myself in a whirl wind trying to get ready. Please say a prayer for Michael and I as we go through training courses tomorrow. Also please pray for Chase, as his brother who has always been by his side heads home to clear the path for Chase's soon to be homecoming as well.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sorry for the delay :)

Over the past few weeks the boys have made giant strides to coming home. Here are some pictures of the boys I will post more soon. 

Conner James 
3 months old
5 pounds 3 oz 

Daddy's first diaper change w/ Conner

Chase Michael
3 months old
4 pounds 12 oz

100 days in the NICU! 

Conner James
14 weeks old
5 pounds 13 oz

Chase Michael and Mommy
14 weeks old
5 pounds :)