Thanksgiving Day is a day to take a break and remember all the things and people we are so very thankful for in our lives. This year, Michael and I are truly blessed with two very precious little boys who are continuing to grow and thrive.
Chase Michael
November 24th: One Month Old
2 pounds 3 ounces
Chase has dropped on his ventilator settings and is staying between 40-60% oxygen
(normal room air is 21%)
Chase's respiratory therapist brought Chase a little friend to keep him company. The respiratory therapist has a special place in his heart, Chase keeps surprising all the doctors with his strength and resilience.
The nurses are using Chase's little friend to keep his eye mask on. Now that Chase is feeling better his personality is starting to come out and in the NICU staff's words, "Chase is truly Conner's twin."
We are still waiting for Chase's ostomy to show some evidence of the surgery's success (poop coming out) If it stays the same over the weekend we will be meeting with the surgeons on Monday to discuss options. They can't start Chase's feeds until we know everything is working properly.
Conner James
November 24: One Month Old
2 pounds 6 ounces
Conner is now on 6.5ml of milk an hour and still pooping like a pro. Who would have ever thought we'd be excited about poop. Conner has been receiving steroids to increase lung development and has came down quite a bit on his oxygen level. He has been between 22-45% for the past couple days and the doctor said we are going to start weening him from the ventilator today
After throwing a full on fit and working very hard Conner managed to get his thumb in his mouth to suck on it. Note: Conner has a ventilator and feeding tube already in his mouth.
As you can see he's still resisting the eye cover. He prefers it lie right there.
He's not yawning....our little boy is crying. Conner is definitely enjoys throwing a fit when he doesn't get his way.
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