Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chase's first surgery

So, today was a very stressful day for all of us. Chase had his very first surgery to repair his intestinal block. Michael and I got to hospital this morning around 9 am and they began surgery around 10:15 am. Chase was in surgery until just before 3 pm.

When the surgeon got in it turned out the block was a lot higher then they anticipated/hoped it would be. They ended up having to remove part of his intestine and reattach it. The dye test from last week either revealed or caused a hole in his colon which they also repaired. They ended up pulling the end of his intestines/bowel out of his abdomen so that he can heal and begin feedings. When he gets bigger they will reinsert it into the abdominal cavity. And just to add to the fun the surgeon removed his appendix to allow the repaired area to be tested before they stitched him up.

Right before his surgery they opened up his incubator and I touched his hand instantly he grasped my finger and held on very tightly. He's a strong little boy and is full of surprises. The doctors have told Michael and I numerous times he has surprised them and exceeded past their expectations for him already. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers while he recovers.

Oh yea, I almost forgot! Conner has gone up yet again on his feedings and has pooped every chance he gets. Today Conner was up to his usual tricks to lighten the mood for us...he doesn't like it when daddy gives him the serious voice. During Chase's surgery Conner managed to remove his temperature probe and a heart monitor, so according to the monitors we had a blood pressure less cold baby.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lauren ! Matt and I are keeping you, Michael, and your little angels in our thoughts and prayers. Keep strong! Call us if you need anything. Lots of love, Siara
