The boys are getting bigger and stronger everyday! I am happy to say both boys are completely off the ventilators. Conner is on a
C Pap mask and Chase is on a high flow nasal prong. Conner will be moving to the high flow soon. Chase is doing better on his feeds and is up to 5ml an hour...which is great for him but kind of pathetic compared to the whopping 38ml Conner is getting every 3 hours. Since Christmas we have had to opportunity to hold the boys twice now and the doctor is encouraging a every other day hold now. And on December 29th we got to dress our sweet babies for the first time, now they sport preemie clothes which surprisingly isn't that baggy on them. Enjoy the pictures :)
Chase Michael
10 weeks Old
3pounds 13 ounces
(feeds are increasing so they are taking him off fat supplements)
Conner James
10 weeks old
4 pounds 1 ounce
Conner in his new open air crib, he is holding his own body temperature well and broke the 4 pound mark so he got a new bed :)
Conner sporting the C pap mask....he's not a big fan of it at all
Our little boys have came so far from where we started. Thank you everybody for your continuous prayers and support. We still have a long road ahead but there are tons of other babies/families who are not as fortunate as us, please say a special prayer for them tonight, esp. the parents of the triplets next door to Chase and Conner.
Thank you
Poor Conner I don't blame him for not liking the mask :) That's okay though, he's off the vent and that's great news!!! Looking good boys!